Sunday, February 23, 2014

A1 featuring Cheese, Cheese and More Cheese

These past two weeks all I could think of was A1. Utilizing recursion to place cheese on different stools ensuring that a larger cheese doesn’t stack on top of a smaller one. This game is similar to he math circus game, where you had to order the lions largest to smallest and the smaller lions could not jump over the bigger ones.

(above is a picture of the math circus lion game)

Surprisingly the first couple of steps to the assignment were not that difficult. It was more about carefully reading the assignment to figure out where certain things where. The harder portion of the assignment was actually implementing the recursion. This portion involved a lot more thinking.

Personally, the portion with the recursion was very difficult for me. I was not really sure how the recursion worked. Throughout this assignment I was glad I took notes in class, they were helpful when I forgot how certain things worked. Another thing that I learned from this assignment is that for this upcoming test I really need to work on recursion.

More studying for me …..

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